Happy snowy Monday! Even though this was a short week, gosh did it seem long! (The kids agreed, too!) We saw two big snow storms which made many kids stay home (lucky them!) but the kids who were here still had a great week! And speaking of snow, HOLY COW. So many kids gone today as well. Lucky them...I sure would love to be on my couch watching a movie right now. Anywho, back to last week: On Tuesday the kids thought about the goals they have for themselves and their future. These goals could be academic, behavioral, far future goals, anything! They then had to think about words that would get them to their goal like confidence, organization, and focus. After some brainstorming and working in pairs, each kiddo came up with a Word Goal for this semester. It was great to see so many kids take time and put effort into choosing their word and coming up with action steps to achieve it. We'll review these goals througho...