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Leaders and T-Shirts

What a great week!

Each class was on a slightly different page this week so there was a lot going on!  But on Monday, we were all able to have our first Mentor Monday of the new year and with all of our new mentors!  I had the former mentors share out advice for the new mentors on what it's like to mentor then we looked closely at four leadership quotes.  These quotes will guide their work as mentors this semester.

The rest of the week was Speed Matching or Spaghetti Towers, Scholar vs. Student and new expectations for Tutoring which is now on Thursdays.  We ended the week with decorating our YESS t-shirts with sharpies and enjoying a snowy, chill day together. 

The kids are looking forward to finding out their new mentee/mentor matches today!  Hope everyone had a great long weekend despite the Patriots once again winning the AFC Championship game.  Ugh...
