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Showing posts from February, 2019

"You're 32?!"

Another short week!  No Mentor Monday (too bad; it's my favorite day!  I love my mentors!) and we finished up belief system work on Tuesday.  The kids looked closely at their limiting beliefs and the impacts they have on their lives, then we watched a quick video and talked about how our limits are only in our minds.  They then turned one or more of their limiting beliefs into an empowering action to overcome their limits.  We ended the day with the impacts of their empowering beliefs, a happier note that's for sure! On Wednesday I introduced their belief system final project by asking them questions about how they envisioned their life in ten years.  When I told them I'd be 42, they were astonished!  Haha.  It was fun to hear their ages and what they thought their life might be like.  Then on Thursday and Friday they had a chance to work on their project which requires them to show both a future based on their limiting beliefs and one base...

Mentors Take Over

My daughter got so sick last week that I missed two days with the kids. = ( When I got back we went through the belief cycle and played a Kahoot to review what we've learned!  I used my own beliefs as examples for the cycle and it was great to see the kids understand it through my modeling.  Afterwards they took one of their beliefs and discussed each step of the cycle with their mentor/mentee.  Thursday was for Kahoot and tutoring.  Lots of kids tutored each other in different subjects; it's great to see the kids focused on school right now especially with parent teacher conferences next week! Friday was a great day since each class had either mentors or mentees who planned Fun Friday!  In 3rd hour we played Heads-Up Seven-Up then board games.  In 4th hour we played a made up game with blindfolds and one single chair.  The first person to find it was the winner! (See pictures!)  5th hour was lead by all mentees who wanted to play Simon Says a...

Beliefs; Empowering or Limiting?

Another great week in the books!  Snow and bitter cold caused another day of super low attendance, but those that were here enjoyed a day of fun!  Let's hope we finally have a week where everyone can make it! Mentor Monday was a success; I'm really enjoying my time with the mentors this semester.  Tuesday I introduced empowering and limiting beliefs.  The kids already knew which of their beliefs 'built them up' and which 'brought them down' so this idea was familiar.  To teach them a more inside look at these beliefs I assigned a group of kids an article about either empowering or limiting beliefs then they used a great tool, Snap and Read, to listen to each article.  After reading the articles and taking excellent Cornell notes the groups created a poster that showed off what they learned.  They will present them to their peers this week.  Thursday was our day of low attendance due to the weather, but the kids that were here focused on their ...

"This Tastes Like Sweet Victory..."

Oh the Super Bowl...  Another year of football and yet another win for the Patriots.  Ugh is all I'll say.  But on the YESS side of things, we had a great week again.  Haha! Monday we saw a massive snow storm that kept almost all kids at home with their families.  Those of us that braved (and survived!) the nasty roads played games and got to know each other really well.  Even though we all had to be there, I'd say we all agreed it was a fun day! Tuesday was Apple Pie for my two classes who were a little behind (went great again!) and a trivia competition between mentor/mentees in my other three.  The kids LOVED this.  Thanks Alex!!  Winning pairs won food, yes again and was savored so much that while eating cookies, one student says "This tastes like sweet victory.".  Haha.  He was pretty happy he won.  It was NOT an easy competition.  Wednesday was spent introducing Belief Systems with a 'musical walk' around the r...