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"You're 32?!"

Another short week!  No Mentor Monday (too bad; it's my favorite day!  I love my mentors!) and we finished up belief system work on Tuesday.  The kids looked closely at their limiting beliefs and the impacts they have on their lives, then we watched a quick video and talked about how our limits are only in our minds.  They then turned one or more of their limiting beliefs into an empowering action to overcome their limits.  We ended the day with the impacts of their empowering beliefs, a happier note that's for sure!

On Wednesday I introduced their belief system final project by asking them questions about how they envisioned their life in ten years.  When I told them I'd be 42, they were astonished!  Haha.  It was fun to hear their ages and what they thought their life might be like.  Then on Thursday and Friday they had a chance to work on their project which requires them to show both a future based on their limiting beliefs and one based on their empowering beliefs.  The kids can choose to do a song, story, comic, illustration, or essay.  So far they look awesome!

I also got to teach the idea of Ubuntu (thanks, Alex!!!) to one hour and this week the others will follow.  Parent teacher conferences Wednesday and Thursday this week will make for a very long week, but Friday is a work day without kids so hopefully I'll get some breathing room then!  Have a great week!
