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"This Class is My Family"

What a wonderful, yet bittersweet and hard week.  This was our last week together since I'm not returning next year and the 8th graders are off to do big and great things in high school.  We throughly enjoyed our last week together.

My mentors worked so hard this year and I wanted to show them how much I appreciated them.  So on our last Mentor Monday I bought them donuts and juice to celebrate.  We ate and chatted about our time together.  I asked questions like "What did you do this year that you are most proud of?  What did your mentee do this year that you are proud of?  What was the best part about being a mentor?" Their answers were so honest and kind.  I am so proud to call them my mentors.  After we chatted and got sentimental it was time for some competition.  You know Flip Cup?  How about Tic Tac Toe?  Okay, put them together.  Now you have one of the most intense and fun kid games EVER.  The kids didn't want to leave class after we started playing.  Haha.  What a great way to end our last Monday together!

Tuesday was all about Minute to Win It Competitions against teams within each class.  Groups of four competed against each other in various games involving cups (yes again!), marshmallows, and cookies!  The games were Stack Cup, This Blows,  Face the Cookie, and Race to the Top.  Wow did the kids love this!  We had SOOOOO much fun and tons of laughs.  I wish I had introduced some of these games earlier in the year! 

Wednesday was PARTY day for all my classes!  Woohoo!  The mentors planned the food, games, and music and the mentees helped with bringing items to share.  The room was a MESS but goodness the kids had a great time together.  Everyone laughed, shared good memories, and enjoyed our time together as a class.

Thursday's classes were shortened due to assemblies so the 30 minutes was perfect for a final circle talk.  I asked three questions; "What is one thing you learned from this class or someone in this class?  What is your favorite memory from class?  What is one thing you are looking forward to in your future?"  The answers were honest, kind, and tear jerkers.  The BEST things I heard were "I can't wait to be a mentor because I learned from the absolute best.  This class is my family; I will never forget you all."  It was so wonderful to hear kids thank and say such kind things about each other.  We definitely cried. 

Friday, last day of school.  The room was mostly packed, lots of kids gone, and the sun wasn't shining.  What a blah day.  But each class did enjoy some final games together, big hugs, and tears as we said goodbye.  It was a hard day. 

Shaw ended the day/year with a Movin' On Up ceremony for the 8th graders.  We celebrated by watching a year in review slideshow, listening to teacher's speeches about 8th graders, then kids did the same.   Teachers and kids alike chose their Why person in the school; the person that influenced WHY they came to school each day.  The last pair of kids to speak were two of my mentors who joined at semester and holy cow, they chose me.  I burst into tears, obviously, and was so humbled.  It was so heartwarming to hear what they said about me.  What a beautiful way to end my time at Shaw. 

I said a final goodbye to as many kids as I could when the bell rang.  Most were in tears, like me, and didn't want the year to end.  I am a teacher because I love my kids as my own and this year has been no different.  Each of my kids has influenced me and brought me joy, stress...haha, and beautiful memories.  It is so bittersweet to leave Shaw.  I hope I will be back soon. 

I am so proud of what my kids did this year, how much they accomplished, and how much they've grown as students and kids.  They are destined for nothing but great things.  I can't wait to see what they do. 
