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Showing posts from May, 2019

"This Class is My Family"

What a wonderful, yet bittersweet and hard week.  This was our last week together since I'm not returning next year and the 8th graders are off to do big and great things in high school.  We throughly enjoyed our last week together. My mentors worked so hard this year and I wanted to show them how much I appreciated them.  So on our last Mentor Monday I bought them donuts and juice to celebrate.  We ate and chatted about our time together.  I asked questions like "What did you do this year that you are most proud of?  What did your mentee do this year that you are proud of?  What was the best part about being a mentor?" Their answers were so honest and kind.  I am so proud to call them my mentors.  After we chatted and got sentimental it was time for some competition.  You know Flip Cup?  How about Tic Tac Toe?  Okay, put them together.  Now you have one of the most intense and fun kid games EVER.  The kids didn't...

Sorry We've Been MIA!

Goodness, I'm sorry I've been MIA with these blogs.  The end of the year is great but so hectic and ever-changing.  Classes have been mixed up and some days I don't see all my hours.  Ugh.  But we've been having so much fun, making great memories, and having solid conversations about life.  I'm proud of these kids. Mentor Mondays have been a great time for mentors to share successes with mentoring and also a time for mentors to bond together.  We've been playing games, recruiting mentors for next year, writing letters to mentees, and now planning an EOY party! Working on school work, learning targets, and EOY assignments has been a priority for kids as well.  I have loved seeing the kids work hard and support each other in making sure they level up next year. Thanks to Alex over at Scott in all the days we've actually had normal classes I started our Social Justice unit and it's been going great!!  The kids are loving this topic, the convers...