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What's in Your Control?

What a great week we had!  Finally a week with no snow days, fire drills, or messed up days!  Mentor Monday the kids worked on their mentor slides for the end of the year YESS celebration.  The slides look great! 

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday were full of great things!  After seeing the holes my kids had in their cups the week before I created a lesson based around coping and overcoming obstacles.  We started with a circle in the middle of the room and difficult real-life scenarios where the kids had to choose whether they had control or not.  They moved inside the circle if they did and stayed out if they didn't.  We then discussed their thoughts.  It was pretty eye opening.  So many kids had different ideas of who had control but the biggest aha was that most kids wanted to REACT to the situation and come up with solutions based on control.  My kids have obviously been through a lot of trauma and hard times in their life since they were so ready to come up with what to do.  After we did the circle I presented them with 'Circles of Control' and we discussed how we only have total control over ourselves, our decisions, our relationships, and most importantly our future. 

After we did the Circles of Control I showed them what my cup would have looked like a year ago...full of huge, gaping holes and very little drops of happiness.  I may have cried when I told my story but gosh the kids were silent and so supportive.  I gave them ideas of how to cope and over come those things that bring us down or prevent us from being happy and reaching our potential.  The kids really connected with the lesson and walked away with strategies.  It was probably one of my best lessons this year and best day with my kids.

Wednesday and Thursday was all about accountability.  We talked about what that means, how we can show it in our lives, and went over the accountability ladder.  The kids placed themselves on the ladder for how they react most of the time to their actions and words.  They also shared stories of being on different parts of the ladder.  On Thursday we talked about what it means to be accountable to ourselves and other people, identified the most and least accountable person in our lives, then ended with a wrap up of accountability.  The kids could choose between writing a letter to apologize to someone for not being accountable or thanking someone who was accountable to them or writing an acrostic poem to describe accountability.  Other choices were listing ways they were already accountable or brainstorming ways to be more accountable.  They left with me saying "Be you!" =)

On Friday we played a dice game called 'Skunk' and watch some March Maddness basketball while we played games together.  It was a great way to end the week before break. 

Hope everyone had an awesome Spring Break!  These next two months will fly by and before we know it, it'll be summer!  WHAT?!
