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You Aren't You When You're Mad

Gosh, things have been going so well in our class lately!  The kids are working hard, taking class seriously, and bonding!  It's been another awesome week over here at Shaw.

Mentor Monday was another great day between mentors and myself.  I love this time with them. 

Tuesday I introduced Emo Trolls but multiple times were called Elmo Trolls...haha.  We started by watching a few Snickers commercials to introduce the idea that "You Aren't You When You're Mad.".  It really got the kids' attention and they completely understood the idea of acting unlike ourselves when we are triggered or mad.  I then introduced the three main ways we can react; Stuff, Stab, or Explode then went into detail about each troll along the pendulum of reactions.  The kids then did a sort to find a behavior, why, and consequence for each troll.  I was impressed at how well
they worked and how much they learned that day!

Then, thanks to Alex again, we played a Family Feud style game to review Emo Trolls and identify them in certain situations.  We then worked together to find alternative ways to respond to stress or anger like deep breaths, talking to someone, taking accountability.  It was a fun and great day!

On Thursday we started class with a blind drawing activity where either the mentor or mentee had a picture they described to the other person.  That person had to listen to their description and do their best to replicate the picture.  They had a fun time together!  After that the kids worked hard on their missing assignments and tutoring each other.  Check out the picture of a mentee and the mess from his binder.  It may look like a mess but he turned in over ten missing assignments last week so it's progress!  Woohoo!

Friday was lead by mentors and mentees again.  So much fun!  Here's to another great week!!
