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Skurt, skurt

Happy Monday!  Gosh dang, I am sick of the snow!  Anyone else?!

We had another great week here at Shaw.  Monday was an awesome time for mentors to reflect on their mentoring so far this year/semester.  They self-assessed on a rubric (thank you, Alex!!) then I also scored them.  They will get those back today. 

Tuesday was for hot and cold buttons.  The classes did a great job of pushing through a lesson that was both complicated and informing.  I was proud of their perseverance.  Wednesday we talked about parent teacher conferences and the kids worked hard to support each other in their missing assignments before parents came that evening.  Both Wednesday and Thursday were LONG days for me but I loved meeting and seeing so many parents at conferences. 

We ended the week with fun "Friday" but only on Thursday.   The kids were totally okay with that.  A few kids took over periods 4, 5, and 6.  In 4th hour we played Kahoot for food, go figure!  Haha.  5th hour was tons of fun as we went outside and played "Ships and Sailors".  The kids LOVED this game!  Two mentees planned charades and pictionary for 6th hour.  The girls who ran the fun loved their role as leaders and we saw quite a few instances with "Skurt Skurt".  Haha!  I planned 7th hour fun with Scattergories and SnapChallenge Version 2.  It was a great end to a short, but exhausting week! 

Hope everyone stayed warm and had a great weekend!
