Another great week in the books. I start each day with a meme and Friday's meme really made the kids think! Check out the photo...haha! Mentor Monday was spent sharing out homework (Who in your mentee's family are they closest to and why?) and successes. Then the mentors played a game using only the letters of the class mentees' names to spell as many words as possible. The winners won chips or fruit snacks! They work so hard for food. Haha. Tuesday was tutoring time and the kids caught up on work for parent teacher conferences that happened Wednesday and Thursday evening. I saw over 55 families that night; it was so good to meet my kids' families and learn more about them at home! Wednesday was all about personal and professional stereotypes. For personal stereotypes, in groups the kids looked at photos of common personas like 'teenagers, jocks, and nerds' then wrote typical stereotypes for each. Each group rotated and ...