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Who's My Match?!

The kids finally found out their mentor or mentee!!  I wrote their match on a card and when everyone had theirs we flipped them over and I got to see all of the kids' reactions at the same time!  It was great!  They are happy to finally be with their mentor or mentee and I can see that they now know the purpose behind YESS.

The kids spent the week getting to know each other through fun questions, reading each other's autobiographies, and by creating a presentation to introduce their mentor or mentee to their peers in the class.  The kids could create a poster, Google Slides, or a speech to introduce them.  The kids worked hard and their final projects look great.  We'll share them on Monday so we can keep Friday for fun!  Woohoo.  We went outside in one class to play football and did an A-Z competition in the other classes.  It was a great end to our week!

I also started a new behavior incentive in class that ended this week.  We had a jar of Jolly Ranchers and the kids could earn a ticket for good behavior.  This ticket gave them one chance to guess the amount of Jolly Ranchers for a chance to win them all!  The kids have been guessing since school started and on Friday found out who won!  There were 253 Jolly Ranchers in the jar and three kids guessed amounts of 250 and 256, so each kid won 84 Jolly Ranchers!  Woohoo.  The jar is refilled with different candy for another chance to win next month!

Here's to another great week!  And even better since the Pats lost and the Broncos won!
