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How Are Your Grades?

We accomplished so much last week!  We started the week with introducing our mentee/mentor in small groups.  The kids did google slides or posters.  They turned out great!  On Tuesday we talked about the expectations for Tutoring Tuesday and then the mentors checked up on their mentees.  Most of the kids were in other classrooms checking with their mentee's teachers on their grades and behavior.  The kids really enjoyed starting tutoring that day!

Wednesday the kids watched a quick video on a time capsule buried 100 years ago and found in Florida last year.  They then answered questions about themselves and wrote a letter to themselves to put into the time capsule.  We'll also include a photo of each mentoring pair in their time capsule.  

Since we had no school on Friday, it was fun Thursday!  The kids had 20 minutes to create the longest paper chain using only one piece of paper, scissors, and glue.  The winning team earned food!  It's amazing what middle schoolers will do when food is the reward.  Haha!  

It was a sad day in football yesterday, but since I love it, the kids do too!  They have a chance to earn candy for knowing about the Broncos game, so we'll see who wins today!  
