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Showing posts from August, 2018

Who's In Our Class?

This week was full of team building and getting to know you activities, both for the kids and for me.  We used the colors of Skittles as conversation starters to share things about ourselves with a partner.  For example, if you have a blue Skittle, share one thing you want for the future.  As they shared they also filled in a Venn Diagram to record similarities and differences with their partner.  The kids loved having something to eat while they shared.  Candy works well with these kids. 😊 The kids played a game called Common Ground for them to realize we actually have a lot in common with each other and those commonalities can help us grow as individuals and as a class.  We did two truths and a lie; I opened up about things in my life which lead the kids to do the same thing.  It was an emotional day in some of my classes but we all realized we have a lot of things in our life that cause road bumps but we can support each other and overcome them ...

Getting Ready for Kids

This past week was spent getting ready for kids!  I was able to clean up and organize the classroom and I love how it turned out!  I sure wish we had windows, but it's bright and fun so we'll survive. =)  I got to meet all my kids on Wednesday and it made my heart happy!  We played "You Choose" where they chose between different things like Snapchat or Instagram?  Elitches or Waterworld? and shared with different kids in the class.  We also played class BINGO and cooperative drawings.  These were portraits of a student drawn by different kids in the class.  They were hilarious!   We had a great first week together and I can't wait to spend more time getting to know my  more than 125 kids!